2016-17 Season

Headshot of A.G. Kawamura.

APRIL 12, 2017

Whiskey is for Drinking, Water is for Living

Guest: A.G. Kawamura 

A.G. Kawamura wants to start a new dialogue about agriculture. California’s former secretary of agriculture feels that it’s time for everyone to come together and recognize that the clock is ticking, and we need to become more resilient when it comes to water and food security.

Headshot of Mark Poeschl.

January 10, 2017

Sustainability and Survivability | The Balancing Act to Feed the World

Guest: Mark Poeschl 

In the next 50 years, the world needs to double the amount of food it produces in order to feed a growing population. That responsibility doesn't lie only with farmers and scientists, but with everyone, according to Mark Poeschl, chief executive officer of the National FFA Organization and the National FFA Foundation.

Headshot of Mark Lynas.

OCTOBER 10, 2016

GMOs and Biotechnology | “GMOs are Green: How an Environmentalist Changed his Mind About Biotechnology”

Guest: Mark Lynas 

British environmental writer and science advocate Mark Lynas made headlines worldwide in 2013 when he publicly reversed his stance on biotechnology and genetically modified organisms. On Oct. 10, Lynas opened the 2016-17 Heuermann Lecture series by detailing his journey from being an anti-GMO activist to today campaigning around the world for several pro-science causes, including climate change, biotechnology and nuclear power.