April 22, 2014
The Role of Water and Food Security in Early Childhood Survival and Development | A Global Perspective
A Conversation with: Dr. Chris Elias, president of the Global Development Program, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, residing in Seattle, WA., Dr. Joan Lombardi, former deputy assistant secretary and inter-departmental liaison for early childhood education, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; national and international expert on early childhood education, residing in Washington, D.C. and Dr. Nurper Ulkuer, former head, Early Childhood Development Unit, and senior adviser for early childhood development, UNICEF, residing in Ankara, Turkey.

January 14, 2014
Regaining the U.S. Lead in Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education
A Conversation with: Dr. Catherine Woteki, USDA under secretary for research, education and economics, Dan Glickman, former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture and Dr. Philip G. Pardey, professor, University of Minnesota Department of Applied Economics, director of the University's International Science and Technology Practice and Policy Center

November 5, 2013
Rural America | New Markets, New Understanding, Unlimited Opportunity
Guest: U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack
Vilsack recited a litany of agriculture's strengths – record exports and expanding domestic markets; increased profits; renewed conservation efforts; and continued development of second- and third-generation renewable fuel sources. Humanity's greatest looming challenge – increasing food production by 70 percent to feed a growing world population – will be solved largely in rural America, he added.

September 30, 2013
Beyond GMOs to a More Honest Dialogue about Our Food
Guest: Sally Mackenzie
Mackenzie's lecture, titled "Beyond GMOs to a More Honest Dialogue About Our Food," put today's science into historical perspective.